Mental health should not be scary and something that interferes with your life daily. You can change, you can grow and you can learn to work through whatever barriers are holding you back from being happy!



 It’s nice to meet you!

Hi, I’m Ronda, I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and I have worked in mental health for nearly a decade. I have learned that everyone needs to better understand their mental health. We all should feel loved, supported and to feel safe. It has become my mission to reach more individuals, teach them how to improve their mental health and create a safe place where you can begin your own healing. So, if you are ready to leave the past in the past and begin making changes, let's get started!

"I wasn't ready for therapy and I just needed to learn more about what I was going through. I learned a lot in this course and felt that it helped me to learn more about myself and learn the right ways to cope with my anxiety".

Free Meditations

Not ready to commit? Try one of these easy-to-follow meditations to see what you can learn about yourself!

Let's Meditate!

Letting Go of Anxiety Course

Understand and MANAGE your anxiety. Learn practical skills that make your anxiety not feel overwhelming.

Emotionally Stable Workshop

What the heck are emotions? This is an essential course for understanding the basics of your mental health and you! In this course you will learn how to properly identify, understand and better express yourself.

Learn to Love Yourself Course

Quit shamin', blamin' and hatin' on yourself. You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are capable. Learn how to find that inner love with this course!


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